maandag 15 februari 2016

Malyan M180

My Malyan M180 arrived a few weeks ago, it has been since then a serious ride and learning curve,
but now the printer is really delivering!!
the invested time makes it worth.

Today I print PLA only on the glass plate without any extra tool , tape or special adhesive,
actually I have to find a way to get my prints loose from the glass plate. really!

My Mods upon today

 cooling system

thinginverse link:

led install
i found it very disturbing not to SEE what one print, this is my personal solution

 and lett there be light.....

cable management

2 separate leads for the front and back led
2 separate leads for  the front blowers
1 spare 12 volt out

After the blower setup i made a full check up and come to the conclusion that if i wanted to use the maximun of my table then i had to cut out the top left corner to make sure that the extra blowers could pass freely, so thats what we did ;0))

I also changed each thumbnut  by this ( see picture above)

now i am printing straight and flat forward as flat as can be!
also leveling is just a fun factor.

cut a small wood part 1 mm thick and put it in the slot between the glass plate side and the metal clamp, like that we are able to really block the glass plate with breaking the glass,
The glass plate is not likely to come loose like that either

Upgrading Filament holders

first step, block the bolt on the back with 2 wood clamps and glue them to the side,
 like that the bolt cant come lose due to vibrations

Print filament adapters for the ESUN
8mm knob to tighten everything( on the inside a placed a 8 mm nut with teflon cap

thinginverse link:

 Print filament guide

Thinginverse link :

cutting out the left side panel

like that one is able to clean out the bottem because the blowers attract a lot of dust and also each time we clean the glass plate small parts of filament drop down. Now its easy to clean



close the side panels with clear acryl 


hmm, that was a real search... today i use Simplify3d..... none of the tried software and slicers are straight forward, lets say that simplify3d is maybe the less complicated,
now although the profile for the Malyan m180 is in there selected printers is not bug free,

the heated bed control does not work ( at least not with mine)
so i head to change the script for all configurations,

just replace the commands in the starting script. Remove all the old lines that had [extruder0_temperature] or [bed0_temperature] in them and replace with the new code above.  

Also remember that if you use the "auto configure extruders" drop down in the top right, you will see options for the right extruder only, left extruder only, and both extruders. You will need to change all 3 of those with the text I listed above. So just select "right extruder only", and then replace the old lines with the new code I posted for the right extruder. Then do the same for the left and both extruder options.

For the right extruder
Code: Select all
M140 S[bed0_temperature] T0 ; heat build platform
M134 T0 ; wait for bed to heat
M104 S[extruder0_temperature] T0 ; heat right extruder
M133 T0 ; wait for right extruder to heat

For the left extruder
Code: Select all
M140 S[bed0_temperature] T0 ; heat build platform
M134 T0 ; wait for bed to heat
M104 S[extruder1_temperature] T1 ; heat left extruder
M133 T1 ; wait for left extruder to heat

For both extruders
Code: Select all
M140 S[bed0_temperature] T0 ; heat build platform
M134 T0 ; wait for bed to heat
M104 S[extruder0_temperature] T0 ; heat right extruder
M104 S[extruder1_temperature] T1 ; heat left extruder
M133 T0 ; wait for right extruder to heat
M133 T1 ; wait for left extruder to heat